
AI Policy Overview

Pennsylvania lawmakers have yet to prioritize artificial intelligence policies broadly. However, Governor Josh Shapiro (D) signed an executive order in 2023, establishing a Generative AI Governing Board to guide policy, use, and deployment of the technology by the state.

On Feb. 5, 2024, House Republican leaders established an Artificial Intelligence Opportunity Task Force, composed of five fellow House Republicans, to monitor and guide the growth of these technologies. The task force looks to utilize AI to achieve a "thriving economy, affordable living, safe communities, and family-centered opportunities" for children. Appointees to the Task Force are Reps. Jason Ortitay, Valerie Gaydos, Robert Leadbeter, Alec Ryncavage, and Stephenie Scialabba.

Legislative & Regulatory History

  • 2023 - Gov. Shapiro issued Executive Order 2023-19 on Sep. 20, 2023, establishing a Generative AI Governing Board to guide policy, use, and deployment of the technology by the state.